MCICM collaborated with Philzuid for the latest Philstories concert

On 3 and 4 April 2024, Philzuid hosted the concert ‘Philstories” at Opus 9 in the Mariaberg neighborhood.

Together with Prof. dr. Peter Peters and dr. Veerle Spronck, musicians and staff of Philzuid contacted residents and neighborhood organizations in Mariaberg. During dinners, meetings and cycling with a bakfiets (cargo bike) with a speaker, the neighbors discussed the role of music in their everyday lives. They collected stories and created a concert program.

During the concert, the residents shared the stories and listened to the music selected. The atmosphere in the Theresa Church was light and full of excitement. There was a real connection to the space, the orchestra and with each other.

In this research project, the MCICM aims to contribute to the reflection on storytelling in classical music. Sharing stories can offer new ways to engage audiences and musicians to classical music, to develop new concert formats and to explore non-expert meanings and experiences related to classical music. Building on the People's Salon project in 2020, the MCICM has developed this concert format in three subsequent editions. 

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