
  • 30 May 31 Dec
    14:00 - 16:30

    European Administrative Law Dialogues

    These online discussions seek to set the scene for further exchange about the intellectual, conceptual, social, legal and practical interactions between comparative administrative law in Europe and European administrative law. The European Administrative Law Dialogues are strongly anchored in...

  • 04 Dec

    Experience Day Arts and Culture & European Studies on 4 December

    An Experience Day allows you to experience what it is like to be a student in one of these bachelor's programmes. You will attend a lecture and participate in a tutorial group, which will introduce you to both the teaching system and the subject matter. Throughout the day, you will be accompanied by...

  • 05 Dec
    10:00 - 17:00

    Graduation Ceremonies Bachelors

    We are proud to hand the diploma's to our graduates on this festive day. 
    The graduates will receive an invitation from Law Events Office to register. 

  • 30 Dec 31 Dec
    14:00 - 15:30

    Serie of virtual events dedicated to new books and articles in public law

    The ICON•S Benelux Chapter invites you to join us in conversations in a serie of virtual events dedicated to new books and articles in public law.