Dean’s blog episode 10 - A New Academic Year

by: in Law

Last week we welcomed a large number of first year students at our Faculty. At the beginning of this new academic year, we were also very happy to host our alumni at the annual alumni day.

September is always an important month at University. Next to the official opening of the academic year (at which the Rector awarded the Hustinx Prize for Science to our colleague Andrea Broderick: Andrea, many congratulations!), the Faculty welcomed new students.


Andrea Broderick wins the Hustinx Prize for Science
Faculty Introduction days

This year, 635 new bachelor’s students and 526 master’s students were enrolled. This is a slightly bigger number than last year. The Marketing & Communications department prepared an attractive and varied welcoming programme.
My small contribution to this programme consisted of welcoming all students to Maastricht and to the Faculty. To this end, five different sessions were organised for respectively the Dutch and English taught bachelor’s, master’s students and exchange students. I counted over 40 different nationalities. In this blog I once more wish to welcome our students. We are a special Faculty with an exceptional teaching system and a highly committed staff. Our aim is to offer students a unique teaching experience, which also requires students to work hard and take initiative themselves. Judging by the students I spoke, the class of 2018 is a very promising one.

Annual alumni day

We did not only welcome new students to Maastricht. Last Saturday we also hosted our alumni at the annual alumni day. About 50 former law students – a few of them from the very first generation of students of 1982 – came to listen to a welcome by Prof. Martin Paul at the Aula and then attended a stimulating lecture by alumnus and privacy-expert Paul Breitbarth. In the morning meetings took place with the Faculty’s Dutch and international alumni advisory boards, at which useful feedback was received about the new strategic programme.

One of the aims of the new strategy is to strengthen contact with our alumni. They are of immense importance as ambassadors of what we do.

I want to wish everyone – students, staff and alumni – a wonderful and stimulating new academic year!


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